Novel Yunus Social Business Center

Yunus Centre is a global research hub of social business which works on the poverty alleviation and sustainable entrepreneurship. The Centre follows the principles and guidelines of Nobel Laurate Prof. Mohammad Yunus, founder of Micro-Finance, in determining the role of social businesses in solving society’s most pressing problems and attaining social goals. It has an aggregate of international networks of individuals and institutions that work to eradicate poverty. Out of the Centre’s many operations, it also assists academic institutions to add curricula which focus on social business.

Novel Academy in association with Novel Foundation has established Novel Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) in Pokhara. Novel Yunus Social Business Centre is the centre of innovation and entrepreneurial development at Novel Academy. It facilitates the growth of Social Entrepreneurship and Commercial Entrepreneurship through academic teaching, training, providing access to seed capital, mentoring and networking. The Centre runs its Incubation Centre to transform the ideas into concrete business projects and aspires to guide the start-ups or existing organizations towards more challenging and profitable goals.

Novel Yunus Social Business Center

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    The Centre has been continuously organizing social business workshops, boot camps, seminars and social business design lab to the young aspirants of Gandaki Pradesh Province. Any member student interested for internship at Yunus Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh, a hub of social business will be facilitated for the internship by the YSBC, Novel, Pokhara.

    Novel Foundation feels pride to organize Academia Conference targeted to the most prestigious academia audience, where researchers and academics worldwide engage in enhancing discussions on Social Business and its most recent advancements. It is an excellent occasion for YSBCs around the world to share their experiences and future plans. Contacts with other academic in the same field of interest always produce new energy.